Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Didn't we have a lovely time?

...The day we went to chelsea

Highs... overdosing on the excitement of seeing a shipload of gorgeous plants and inspiring show gardens
talking with nurseries and growing experts
having a photographic field day!
Lows... not enough time to see it all
the one who shall remain nameless but elbowed me in the face whilst pointing wildly at Claire Balding prancing round Andy's garden...yes dear, she is on tv, get over it!


Ms B said...

I particularly enjoyed Chelsea this year. Thought I might meet you at Ros's pre-Chelsea shindig!

Ms B said...

Sorry about the Ros! Rob,I meant Rob's do!

britgirlknits said...

Oh Ms B! I kicked myself for missing the opportunity to meet you and the wonderful Sock!
I'm looking after Rob's shop tomorrow afternoon and doing occasional days for him, call in and say hello!