Saturday, 2 July 2011

Been rather busy..

Back in march I decided to remake my garden following the removal of a large and troublesome tree, a eucalyptus gunnii to be precise. The removal opened up a large space which was somewhat wild and an eyesore. The first thing was to reduce the area of lawn and to shape it into circles, then start to fill the gaps after adding massive amounts of garden compost and manure. The fun part has been adding loads of new plants, most of which may be moved in the future as in my usual haste I crammed them in too closely and sometimes in completely the wrong place or partnership. It's odd how even knowing technically the rules about planting in 3's etc I still found myself dotting plants here, there and everywhere regardless! Hey ho.
The photos chart the changes, it's not quite there yet but I've loved every minute of doing it and have lots more to do.